Gossip!! News! You name it BGA!
Just a short introduction to my blog: I dedicate this post to my roommate, whose use of this term inspired the title. She also inspired me to be a Gossip whore! Now I'm completely obsessed with Bennifer and britney's continual downfall. Please post comments and email me anything you want me to post! I crave new information! I'm bored to tears at work and need the excitement! BTW This is my disclaimer: I don't claim responsibility for any of this!
About Me
- Name: Becca
- Location: Roanoke, Virginia, United States
I like to think of myself as creative....I definitly love to create. As an art lover and a dessert lover, I wanted to combine the loves of my life. I make great tasting cakes and desserts that also look amazing. Here and there I dabble in many crafts!
Friday, August 12, 2005
OMG....sorry but I have to....
So I know it might seem a little ridiculous to blog about your own blog but, well I'm going to anyway. I just spent the last hour trying to fix the f'ing Xanadu post. Everything was just wrong, text was disappearing and pictures lined up wrong. Its still not right but F it....for real I can't take it. I need to scream really loud but can't while I'm at work, so I just stood up and stretched really hard!!
Its not that same I'm still pissed off!
Nothing will make me feel better either!!! I want to go home!!
Xanadu Tribute: For my roommate...everyone else don't hate me...
Sorry again, I know you love it. (She has to watch it once a month) And I fear she will be getting the DVDso and will watch various favorite scenes over and over until they are etched into my brain, but I digress, just look:
Movie poster with ONJ. I know you heart her!
This reminds me I want to go skating...you wanna come with! YAY!!
An now now we say farwell with a cheesy group photo:
**I am sorry if you actually viewed this entire post**
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Another convo with the BGA.....
akoukla22: i think i have to work with caitlin tonight
bekahzzz: what?
akoukla22: she's SOOO FUCKING ANNOYING
bekahzzz: oohh sorry i know what thats like
akoukla22: all she does is jabber on about 'omg i have sooo much studying to do, omg i have a presentation
t omorrow'
akoukla22: i'm like dude we all went to college, a fucking intro french class isnt that big a deal STFU
akoukla22: while i'm bitching
akoukla22: can we talk about the problem of the ladies room
akoukla22: seriously, if these bitches need to take a shit
akoukla22: i'd rather them just do it and let it go
akoukla22: i'd rather smell their shit than the fucking godawful spray
akoukla22: they overcompensate
akoukla22: it makkes my stomach churn
bekahzzz: eww
bekahzzz: TMI
akoukla22: seriously
akoukla22: haha
akoukla22: well gawd
bekahzzz: you know where thats goin
akoukla22: if i had a blog i'd blog that shit
akoukla22: it's fucking annoying
akoukla22: anahahha
akoukla22: hahaha
akoukla22: LOL BGA TF TF TF
bekahzzz: you do have a blog
akoukla22: hahah
bekahzzz: i just do all the work and you do the complaining
akoukla22: well, that's the way i like it
bekahzzz: yup
akoukla22: but i dont complaina bouot traffic cramps and sweat marks
akoukla22: haha i want to see in glory before i go to the xmas whore
akoukla22: in ten min
akoukla22: lames
bekahzzz: well we all have to vent sometimes
akoukla22: some more often than others (me) haha
bekahzzz: lol yup
Best-known meteor shower peaks Aug. 12
The Perseid meteor shower is so named because the flashes appear to radiate from the constellation Perseus, shown on this sky chart. But the meteors may be visible anywhere in the sky, not just around the radiant. The chart shows the northeast sky as it would look from midnorthern latitudes in late evening.
A-ha!’s take on BGA....
Some dude named gerardo (his name was embroidered on his shirt) got on the bus this morning with his walkman and proceeded to listen at full volume, consequently sharing his ‘gift’ with everyone on the bus, to a 15-minute long remix of a-ha!’s ‘take on me.’ At first I laughed, but then I got a headache and it wasn’t funny anymore.
LOL....I though it was funny anyway....
Blog That!
akoukla22: i want to get something
akoukla22: you keep forgetting ur leftovers
bekahzzz: do it
bekahzzz: nah i brought them to work on tues
akoukla22: i was thinking of going next door and getting some hummus and carrots
bekahzzz: but only ate half
akoukla22: oh
bekahzzz: yeah do it
akoukla22: but i figure i'll get that as my snack
akoukla22: but for luuuuuunch
akoukla22: that i dont know
bekahzzz: me neither
akoukla22: i've gotta get a few things to tide me over too
akoukla22: like i have no bread
akoukla22: or feta
akoukla22: or greens
akoukla22: i'm just gonna get a few things
akoukla22: i guess
akoukla22: whateve
akoukla22: do you want to go to japone tonight to see my friend play records
bekahzzz: its ok to go grocery shopping
akoukla22: yeah but i'mm at work i dont want to go overboard
bekahzzz: i have to do work
akoukla22: cause i have to fit it in my small fridge
bekahzzz: yeah
akoukla22: work!?
bekahzzz: yeah some graphic design stuff
bekahzzz: I'm revamping my portfolio
bekahzzz: and making a website for it
akoukla22: ahh cool
akoukla22: what you NEED to be working on is updating bga
akoukla22: hahabekahzzz: give me stuff to put on it
akoukla22: how is sushi for lunch
akoukla22: bad for you?
bekahzzz: no
akoukla22: so much white rice
bekahzzz: blah i don't want to hear it....either eat it or don't ....but don't complain about white rice....its rice for christ sake not a stick of butter or lard
akoukla22: omg fuck off i was ASKING
bekahzzz: too much thought about rice
akoukla22: whatever
akoukla22: jsut cause you overslept dont need to give me an attitude
bekahzzz: you do this everyday....you say what you want and then say you shouldn't eat it
akoukla22: fine then dont fuckign answer me then
akoukla22: i was asking a simple question, geeze crucify me
bekahzzz: all i'm saying is ....i said YES eat sushi
akoukla22: and no i eat a lean cuisine everyday and question whether i'm lazy/broke enough to get a salad
bekahzzz: that too
akoukla22: so block me then
akoukla22: i talk the same game to everyone else too
akoukla22: so what im fucking annoying
akoukla22: get over it
bekahzzz: just about the rice you are
bekahzzz: i don't want to block you....you just blow EVERYTHING out of proportion
akoukla22: i've talked about rice maybe TWO times in my life
bekahzzz: i just mean today....why would you want sushi if you don't want rice...........thats what half of it is
akoukla22: omg you are the one who's hypercritical
akoukla22: gawd i'm thinking aloud for christs sake
akoukla22: geeeeeze
bekahzzz: ok ok
akoukla22: blog THAT
bekahzzz: ok
akoukla22: ok
akoukla22: ok
akoukla22: ok
akoukla22: ok
akoukla22: ok
akoukla22: ok
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Some links my Roomie shared with me and I pass to you...
Yes this is very demented??
Taking you bay to the days when adolescent kids were played by adolescent kids, not wannabe actors in their early 20s that can't do any better!
New read for today "Citizen Girl"
by Emma McLaughlin, Nicola Kraus
Another biting satire from Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus, authors of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Nanny Diaries. Working in a world where a college degree qualifies her to make photocopies and color-coordinate file folders, twenty-four-year-old Girl is struggling to keep up with the essential trinity of food, shelter, and student loans. So when she finally lands the job of her dreams she ignores her misgivings and concentrates on getting the job done...whatever that may be.Sharply observed and devastatingly funny, Citizen Girl captures with biting accuracy what it means to be young and female in the new economy. A personal glimpse into an impersonal world, Citizen Girl is edgy and heartfelt, an entertaining read that is startlingly relevant.
Found! One Ugly Hubcap!
My neighborhood is not bad, I swear! We have one small problem. Approximately 3-4 block south of us, in Alexandria, there is a place we call "The Barrio". Now I'm not trying to be racist or anything like that, I mean I'm hispanic myself, but these mofos drive down my street constantly. OK, I can deal with that its a free country. I can even deal with the comments they throw out the window to every female within a three-block radius. But personal property damage is uncalled for.
My new roommates car, parked car I might add, was side swiped last night. There was plenty of room in the street, its a one way, but this stupid idiot scaped all along her car and of course drove off. Fortunately he left more than a big scrape behind. We were now in the possesion of one UGLY hubcap that was tore up!
Anyway we call the police and we're waiting and the SOB comes back. (My guess is looking for his hubcap.)
No Habla Ingles?
So, the cops come and get our statements and stuff. One of the cop cars goes out looking for the car. Sure enough, not one block down the street the lights go on and they found the car, at the soccer fields. First the guy claims he doesn't speak english. Then, he says he wasn't in an accident. MMKay! So they get the translator down there and get all his information. Then come back to us for the hubcapp to see if its his. It is!
So thats that! Unless of course he is in a gang and we get a drive by soon! Yikes!!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Newest read! 32AA
I just finished reading "32AA" by Michelle Cunnah. It was pretty good. It was a little slow at the begining but thats mostly because you wanted to slap the main character out of her annoying idiocy. Overall it was a good message and an inspiration to small chested women, not me, but those of you out there. Also if any of ya'll would like some of mine please help yourself. ;)
OMG BGA of the night....last night that is....!!!
I hate f'ing mice! I didn't mind them so much before, meaning the fact that the exterminator was coming thursday and not today wasn't that big of a deal. They are more scared of me than I am of them. Which is the truth, because I'm not a scream and jump on a chair type of gal. If they are scurrying about, its probably to get the hell out of the way of me, big huge person that can smash them. I was awakened at 12:15 AM by a scream, a phone call and my door opening and my roommate flipping out. Apparently, even though she's been putting towels under her door, a mouse was in her room and had scurried into the closet. Reluctantly I get out of bed, meaning after I curse some and take my time. She's totally freaked out in her bedroom staring at her closet, and on the phone with her mom.
"Can I please just come and sleep there tonight!" She pleads with her mom as she cautiously surveys the room. Of course her mom says NO! She hangs up in a hurry and we try to formulate a plan, meaning I try to formulate a plan. Honestly though, what the hell am I suppose to do? I've got the broom and a colander from the kitchen, so that I can catch it when it runs out. That was all I could think to do at this point. My plan was seriously flawed.
A.) I had no idea what to do with the mouse if in fact I did manage to trap it under the colander.
B.) I had no idea how to coax it out of the closet! (Despite "Ted", our name for the little fellow, being one of the biggest BGAs ever!)
C.) I had no idea if this plan would even work.
The plan didn't work. Though I did get Ted to peek out a couple times, he always ran back inside the closet. It was useless. I tried offering suggestions to my roommate, but she wanted it out of her closet/room. She said that it was in her shoes and that she would get diseases from it pooping in her shoes and then her wearing them. As humorous of idea as that was, I could not convince her otherwise. All I could convince her to do, was to come and sleep in my room, promising that I'd put towels under my doors as well.
So I got back in bed around 1:30, who knows when I actually fell asleep though, but unfortunately my alarm wouldn't let me sleep in and buzzed in my ear at 5:30 for me to start my wonderful day. Damn you mouse!! I'm so tired right now....coffee...COFFEE.....COFFEE!!!!
Monday, August 08, 2005
UPDATE: The Undomestic Goddess!
As you recall I mentioned this book earlier, The Undomestic Goddess ,and promised a review when I finished. Well, I have finished it and I'm happy to report that I found the book in a very similar style to her her other Shopaholic books. Its full of humor and makes you feel OK about the fact that you don't know exactly what every kitchen gadget is called or what its function is. LOL! It also contains some heart-filled romance in the Kinsella manner. You will fall for the main hunk in this story and wish he was real....BELIEVE me you will wish he was real!!:) You will also wish there was more to the book. But overall a solid story with great humor and inspiring message to women. BGA says READ IT! (you can even borrow my copy!)