Gossip!! News! You name it BGA!

Just a short introduction to my blog: I dedicate this post to my roommate, whose use of this term inspired the title. She also inspired me to be a Gossip whore! Now I'm completely obsessed with Bennifer and britney's continual downfall. Please post comments and email me anything you want me to post! I crave new information! I'm bored to tears at work and need the excitement! BTW This is my disclaimer: I don't claim responsibility for any of this!

Location: Roanoke, Virginia, United States

I like to think of myself as creative....I definitly love to create. As an art lover and a dessert lover, I wanted to combine the loves of my life. I make great tasting cakes and desserts that also look amazing. Here and there I dabble in many crafts!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Little Earthquakes

By Jennifer Weiner
I really enjoyed this book. Its funny that I'm the one to read it after having two of my good friends and my sister recently have babies, which is primarily what this book is about; the trials and tribulations of friendship through out pregnancy and after the birth. That about sums it up. I enjoyed it, show the good the bad and the ugly that goes along with having children and wanting a "perfect" life.

Also by
Weiner is In Her Shoes (soon to be a movie with Cameron Diaz and Toni Colette) and Good in Bed, which I also recommend!

JetBlue in LA

Looks like I got out just in time. I'm sure you hear about the JetBlue incident that occured last night when the landing gear from an outgoing plane in LA got stuck and they had to make an emergenc landing.

A little bit scary seeing as I flew JetBlue not two days prior....out of LA!!! That could have been me, not that anything happened to anyone, but its still scary. And they got to watch the whole thing on TV while they were in the plane and it was happening....YIKES

Devil wears Prada

So I loved this book when I read it, which was over a year ago, probably closer to a year ago. So, its only natural that they make a movie about it.....to read about the movie or plot and stuff CLICK HERE For more info on the book Press the button--> [o]

The way I found out about this movie was from http://justjared.blogspot.com/ which is a pretty good BLOG.

Anyway good character...Anne Hathaway (Princess Diaries) and Adrian Grenier (Entourage). Also staring Meryl Streep as the big bad boss lady:) She's perfect for that role!:>

Like with any book turned movie....heed my advice....read the book first and the movie will be ten times better.....if you just watch the movie, it won't be that great.


The season premiere was last night and OMG it was good!! This show keeps getting stranger and more complicated but you can't help but love it! Also on a side note**I forgot how HAWT Matthew Fox is, he's aged well since his Party of Five days.

Anyway they opened the hatch and its a fallout shelter that was under quarantine....and Jack (Matthew Fox's character) knows the guy thats been living in it. Of course thats how the show ends in a huge cliffhanger. We still don't know what happened to the raft people.

Tune in next week
Wednesday on ABC

Sick and tired of these cat and mouse games...

Here's another episode to yet another mouse problem that has arisen. I get another roommate freaking out and telling me to come quick they see a mouse. My other female roommate seems to have seen a mouse scurry under her bed near bedtime. (She's on the 2nd floor). As we investigate and attempt to bait it out she sees it run into her closet and screams "OMG there is two of them!"

So now there are two mice (We think baby mice, even better) in her closet. I'm like "What can we do?" Because I've totally been here before with the whole mouse in the closet thing. She says " F* that we're going to catch them, so I just reply with " OK go get the colander"

We take everything out of her closet and manage to corner the two little suckers. I actually get one caught under the colander and as we are scrambling for the other one monica slams a pot down on it but only half way. She basically kills it by smooshing it. YUCK! We have to wake up our other roommate to finish the job and take the one dead mouse downstairs. Then we are stuck with the problem of what to do with the one under the colander??

We go back upstairs and it has escaped but is right beside it. We try to get it and end up chasing it all over her room and closets but she finally gets it....once again smooshing it, only this time with a shoe. Double YUCK YUCK!!

What I want to know is how many more M*F* mice are in my house. We are calling the exterminator again to see what can be done, then our landlord will be getting a call. This is so ridiculous. Our first Dang mouse had babies and who knows how many!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Guess what

While I was cleaning my room last night vacuuming up all the mouse sh*t that our now DEAD mouse had left for me while I was gone.....I found $26.....YAY!

Farewell Athena!

So we lost Athena to Italy for a couple weeks....it figures, she leaves and we finnally catch the mofo mouse! I wonder how many other productive things will happen while she's away....jk Athena we love you have a good time and hurry home.

This is not related at all but while searching for a picture of Italy this came up.....all i typed in was 'ITALY' in yahoo images....too funny!:)

WTF Blogger Spam....

I don't know if you've noticed recently, but the number of comments on my blog has considerably increased in the past few posts. I've been attacked in full force by blogger spamers. I will be fixing this matter ASAP, so no worries, just wanted to bring it your attention and remind you not to click on their links, as that's what they want you to do!!

Ding Dong the Mouse is Dead!

YAY! Received word this morning from roommate that our critter has been captured and disposed of appropriately. I was about to be really pissed off by this situation, so it came just in time. Guess you just have to hate something long enough:)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Here is the view from my sisters place.....

Aren't these apartments cute...right across the street.....

and of course the palm trees!:)

Santa Monica!!

Here are some picitures from Santa Monica beach....we went to the pier which was fun...I got a funnel cake...yum!

There was a wedding going on at the beach when we were there too...that was cool!

I'm Baaaacccckkkk!!

Hello all, I'm back from my "vacation"! I don't have any pictures from my trip to post yet because I'm at work and don't have access to them, but I will post when I get home later tonight and after my nap:) I took the red eye last night and left Long Beach at 9:30 PM (techincally we didn't leave til 10:15 PM because of a storm) and arrived at 5:15 AM at Dulles.

I didn't sleep very well on the plane, it was a bumpy ride most of the way and each time I would get woken up my neck would hurt so bad from the postition it had been in for the last 40-45 mins. So, I didn't get as much sleep as I wanted. Although I must say it was a wise choice I had all three seats to myself so I got to prop my legs up and try that position for a while, but none of them were good enough to keep me asleep.