Gossip!! News! You name it BGA!

Just a short introduction to my blog: I dedicate this post to my roommate, whose use of this term inspired the title. She also inspired me to be a Gossip whore! Now I'm completely obsessed with Bennifer and britney's continual downfall. Please post comments and email me anything you want me to post! I crave new information! I'm bored to tears at work and need the excitement! BTW This is my disclaimer: I don't claim responsibility for any of this!

Location: Roanoke, Virginia, United States

I like to think of myself as creative....I definitly love to create. As an art lover and a dessert lover, I wanted to combine the loves of my life. I make great tasting cakes and desserts that also look amazing. Here and there I dabble in many crafts!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Found! One Ugly Hubcap!

My neighborhood is not bad, I swear! We have one small problem. Approximately 3-4 block south of us, in Alexandria, there is a place we call "The Barrio". Now I'm not trying to be racist or anything like that, I mean I'm hispanic myself, but these mofos drive down my street constantly. OK, I can deal with that its a free country. I can even deal with the comments they throw out the window to every female within a three-block radius. But personal property damage is uncalled for.

My new roommates car, parked car I might add, was side swiped last night. There was plenty of room in the street, its a one way, but this stupid idiot scaped all along her car and of course drove off. Fortunately he left more than a big scrape behind. We were now in the possesion of one UGLY hubcap that was tore up!
Anyway we call the police and we're waiting and the SOB comes back. (My guess is looking for his hubcap.)
So my roomie runs out to get the license plate number. The dude makes a hand gesture out his car and I yell at my roommate to come back. I explain to her that we have some hispanic gangs nearby and we have to be careful. You see there is a school a block away, with a couple of soccer fields that they always use. They cut down our street as a short cut to the fields.
No Habla Ingles?
So, the cops come and get our statements and stuff. One of the cop cars goes out looking for the car. Sure enough, not one block down the street the lights go on and they found the car, at the soccer fields. First the guy claims he doesn't speak english. Then, he says he wasn't in an accident. MMKay! So they get the translator down there and get all his information. Then come back to us for the hubcapp to see if its his. It is!
So thats that! Unless of course he is in a gang and we get a drive by soon! Yikes!!


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