Gossip!! News! You name it BGA!

Just a short introduction to my blog: I dedicate this post to my roommate, whose use of this term inspired the title. She also inspired me to be a Gossip whore! Now I'm completely obsessed with Bennifer and britney's continual downfall. Please post comments and email me anything you want me to post! I crave new information! I'm bored to tears at work and need the excitement! BTW This is my disclaimer: I don't claim responsibility for any of this!

Location: Roanoke, Virginia, United States

I like to think of myself as creative....I definitly love to create. As an art lover and a dessert lover, I wanted to combine the loves of my life. I make great tasting cakes and desserts that also look amazing. Here and there I dabble in many crafts!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Another convo with the BGA.....

akoukla22: oh GOD
akoukla22: i think i have to work with caitlin tonight
bekahzzz: what?
akoukla22: she's SOOO FUCKING ANNOYING
bekahzzz: oohh sorry i know what thats like
akoukla22: all she does is jabber on about 'omg i have sooo much studying to do, omg i have a presentation
t omorrow'
akoukla22: i'm like dude we all went to college, a fucking intro french class isnt that big a deal STFU
akoukla22: while i'm bitching
akoukla22: can we talk about the problem of the ladies room
akoukla22: seriously, if these bitches need to take a shit
akoukla22: i'd rather them just do it and let it go
akoukla22: i'd rather smell their shit than the fucking godawful spray
akoukla22: they overcompensate
akoukla22: it makkes my stomach churn
bekahzzz: eww
bekahzzz: TMI
akoukla22: seriously
akoukla22: haha
akoukla22: well gawd
bekahzzz: you know where thats goin
akoukla22: if i had a blog i'd blog that shit
akoukla22: it's fucking annoying
akoukla22: anahahha
akoukla22: hahaha
akoukla22: LOL BGA TF TF TF
bekahzzz: you do have a blog
akoukla22: hahah
bekahzzz: i just do all the work and you do the complaining
akoukla22: well, that's the way i like it
bekahzzz: yup
akoukla22: but i dont complaina bouot traffic cramps and sweat marks
akoukla22: haha i want to see in glory before i go to the xmas whore
akoukla22: in ten min
akoukla22: lames
bekahzzz: well we all have to vent sometimes
akoukla22: some more often than others (me) haha
bekahzzz: lol yup


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