Gossip!! News! You name it BGA!

Just a short introduction to my blog: I dedicate this post to my roommate, whose use of this term inspired the title. She also inspired me to be a Gossip whore! Now I'm completely obsessed with Bennifer and britney's continual downfall. Please post comments and email me anything you want me to post! I crave new information! I'm bored to tears at work and need the excitement! BTW This is my disclaimer: I don't claim responsibility for any of this!

Location: Roanoke, Virginia, United States

I like to think of myself as creative....I definitly love to create. As an art lover and a dessert lover, I wanted to combine the loves of my life. I make great tasting cakes and desserts that also look amazing. Here and there I dabble in many crafts!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


For anyone that might possibly still check this blog...Becca now has her own blog independent from any BGA action....


Check it out for the latest in her life...and anything else she chooses...

Friday, March 17, 2006

Concert time....

So on Tuesday I went to see NIN and it was very very awesome. It was in Richmond because I missed the November show in 05' but good news....they will be at Nissan pavilion in June! I highly recommend this show. They played straight for nearly 1 one hour and 45 mins.

In other news back around 3/2 I managed to get my hands on 1 ticket to the Fiona Apple Coldplay show at MCI. The girl I bought it from didn't tell me it was nearly in the very top row of the venue. This picture doesn't even do it justice because I was still very very much higher than that! She also charged me $15 more than she paid for it. I thought they were $50 but when she gave it to me it said $36!

That would have all been ok but I couldn't find parking and had to pay $20 to park in a garage that night....sucked! So I got to my seat at the very top and Fiona had already started her first song which was the first sign of trouble. Then as I was walking up to my seat I made the mistake of looking back. I was so high up and it was so steep where I was I thought I was going to fall if I leaned too far forward. It was that bad!!

So Fiona only played 6 songs which bugged me and I was so scared, nervous, uncomfortable that whole time, I didn't even bother with Coldplay. I just left! That night sucked!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Where's Andre?

The second season of project runway comes to a close. I definitely called the top 3....and my sister can vouch for that. From the start (well 3 or 4th episode) I said its going to be Daniel, Chloe and Santino.....you may not like it but thats the way that it is.

I was mildly shocked at Chloe winning. Her collection was the best shown at fashion week but overall I believe she was either 2nd or even third. Obviously I'm a Daniel fan, but his was the worst. There was no cohesion and all that bull-shit he was saying just made it worse. He had a couple of nice pieces, including the one that Nick helped make for his 13th piece, but overall the feeling that I walked away with ....was very underwhelmed.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Here she comes.....

Yes Yes....I realize that I've been neglecting my blog, and I'm sorry but I do have a few good excuses. I will now use bullets to illustrate these points as I like the way they look and very rarely am able to utilize them.
  • I am in training for the Breast Cancer Walk in April. I will walk a marathon on Sat and 1/2 of one on that Sunday. Altogether around 40 miles! YAY! So Athena and I have been trying to stick this training schedule of walking after work. Yesterday we walked from here place across the Key Bridge into Georgetown to Pennsylvania Ave and then back (it was starting to not feel as safe)
  • I got a promotion at work! YAY! I've been working 10-12 hour days for the last 2 1/2 weeks to get everything done and it still not done...plus my boss is on Maternity leave so its all up to me.
  • I don't really have any other excuses besides the fact that my computer at home is soooo lousy I can hardly turn it on sometimes. blah blah....

I hope you've enjoyed my update! More exciting news to come I'm sure!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

My cookies......

I know its way past X-mas, but I'm behind on my blogging...so there!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Baby Time...

Lessons learned: I can sing, make lots of noise....and even babies can take bad pictures.(of course they still look cute in them!)

my cute card....a week later...sorry:(

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Seems this little hoochie-mama has decided to enter my turf! Well Miss Maria Sharapova better watch out!

Rumors are on the rise that these two are in coupledom.

So Says: Perez